I must admit that I’ve had enough of searching for a job for now. Or rather waiting for one, because you wouldn’t name it exactly searching sitting here, occasionally going to the factory or making a phone call. Or sending out e-mails to places that actually don’t offer work. The answer “sorry, we don’t offer nothing (at the moment, but leave your contacts…” has been nailed into my head. The latters seem to be all around the world for now.
Yet situation has changed pretty much for me from what it used to be when I got the flight tickets. You could imagine the desperate me panicing about not finding anything, glued to the place and narrowed my world to my dreams. It’s not the case. Overall I really enjoy this place and find it exactly as peaceful as I need it to be for myself, but a part of me is willing to shorten my adventures to make room for another plans that could not be made of only the dreams of me. I do like principles and in that sense I’d like to take the next step in my life connected to this place again, but I’m ready for compromises, otherwise it’d be a bit selfish.
So as for now I’ve pretty much decided that I leave. As a controversy to how I sense the small places on my palm to be easier to grasp, I feel that my outlooks in Denmark are better and it also gets me closer to the overall (though very hazy) picture of my dreams. I’d be there for some time, assumingly until Christmas, then back to Estonia and then on for new adventures when the new year comes.
That way I’d also understand what I’ll miss here. This will not be that last time for the sheep. I shall come back, sooner or later, for longer or shorter time, to freshen my mind and be one with the world. It’s just that right now the conditions are not as favoring as they could be.